Dressing up with Grandma and Poppy

My mother-in-law only dresses like a witch

My mother-in-law only dresses like a witch

All told we had three great weeks with Grandma and Poppy. I will really miss Santa Claus chasing the leprechaun around the house in search of wishes and Sir Luchador begging favor from the princess.


I will also miss the nice chats with Grandma and all the help with the baby. Thanks to my inlaws, I got my hair done, my teeth cleaned and learned to waltz. Pretty fancy! We celebrated Halloween early and had lots of fun decorating the house and getting in costume.


We also got to celebrate Poppy’s birthday with a firecracker stuck in a brick of cheese from the alps. That was great. Leo was terrified but then couldn’t tear his eyes away, he’ll be a pyromaniac like his dad and uncles for sure.

Flaming Cheese Board

Duke left again for another trip Friday evening and I was planning to take it easy. I had a friend over Saturday in the morning and she mentioned that she was going to a pumpkin festival in the afternoon. I told her how much fun we had last year. I had been thinking about going, but had meant to call a friend to go along with, since although I now know the way to Heaven, and could get there with both kids by myself, I couldn’t imagine how I’d have much fun and keep them happy once we got up there. I hadn’t called the friend because she was in Venice. Plus, I was planning to take it easy.

So our guests invited us to come along. At this point it was past noon and Allison was wearing white dress shoes two sizes too big, a pink hooded blanket and nothing else. She was not interested in going at all, until I mentioned we were going in a car. There were just enough seats and after we finished getting all four car seats in, I realized they were going to a different pumpkin fest, one in Zellendorf far outside the city. It was too late to turn back, so we went. The festival was huge, with lots and lots of people and pumpkins everywhere.


Pumpkin Festival

Pumpkin Festival

Allison couldn’t have been happier, she saw a marching band, rode a pony, got her face painted and rode carnival rides. Leo pooped out his clothes and fussed most of the drive back, but I think he had a good time too. I got to know a new friend and ate a strange but wonderful fried apple-pumpkin thing. Tomorrow we will take it easy.


PS) ‘Tomorrow’ was Sunday and we went to the Safety Festival at the Rathaus (City Hall) for Austrian National Day.  Allison had her face painted, jumped in a bouncy-house helicopter, and we watched a re-enactment of the rescue of a window washer from Austria’s tallest building.  Today, Monday, we managed to have a quiet day.
